Saturday, October 10

How did I get here?

I like cats.

I have two - Seven and Mo. We had a quiet, lazy life until we met him.

My main squeeze is a fiery Irish man who loves life, his children and dogs.

That's right - the man likes dogs.

It's not that I don't like dogs, I just never really wanted one.

Every time he would hint that our future togehter could include a dog, I'd change the subject.

I didn't want a dog. I was happy with the cats. They don't need to be walked, they don't destroy things, they don't get fleas and they're just not dogs.

But those eyes got me - not the dog's, but his. Those eyes pleaded with me for the dog that I knew he wanted, so we got a dog.

Scratch that - I got a dog, and what a journey it was.

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