Friday, April 23

Same strike, new chapter

I underestimated my dog.

Loki's bowl was empty, so I thought she'd finally given up, and ate her food.

I rewarded her by giving her new dog food, and adding in some of the tasty, wet food she likes.

When I reached into the cage to bring out her water dish and food dish, I found out she had duped me.

Behind the water dish was a stockpile of dry dog food expertly hidden by one of her soft toys. Loki made a wall of food behind her tall water dish, which I was totally unable to see unless I got into her cage.

She's crafty, this one.

I looked over at where she sat in the kitchen, and noticed she was shifting around on her paws.

She tried to come over to the cage once she saw me digging in the secret corner, but I ordered her to stay.

I admit, she got me good.

I rounded up all the dog food, about two and a half cups worth, and dumped it back into her bowl.

I put the wet food treat awaay.

We're back where we started again.


Friday, April 16

Hunger strike, day 3

Loki has begun to nibble at the dog food, but is not happy about it.

She showed her protest when I took her out last night.

As usual, the dog found a chicken bone, or something else disgusting while we were walking. Before I could snatch it away, or snatch her up, for that matter, she gobbled it down.

She was punished, but she still appeared to give me a smug look like, "Ha ha. I got to eat it."

I don't think she was feeling quite as smug when she puked it back up later. Matter of fact, she looked a little green around the gills, or as green as a black Lab can look.

So, she's eating, a little.

Thursday, April 15

Hunger strike, day 2

The dog has decided she doesn't want to eat dog food.

It's probably our fault, because we've been giving her a lot of table scraps lately.

We did well for the first six to eight months of her life, never giving her the food from the table.

Needless to say, we got a little, OK, perhaps a lot lax with it.

Now, she's refusing to eat her food.

When I put it down, she sniffs at it, then turns her nose up and walks away. In the meantime, she's began to beg constantly.

I know it's my fault, but that still doesn't mean I like it.

With the hunger strike in Day 2, I'm feeling the pressure. You can only look into those sad, puppy eyes for so long. . .

But I'm not giving in. Her dog food is waaaaaay too expensive.

Friday, April 2

What is that noise?

I thought an old man with sleep apnea had broken into our apartment as I crept downstairs to get some water late last night.

Turns out it was just the dog, and she was snoring.

Apparently, when Loki gets into a good sleep, she snores. And I'm not talking about those cute, little puppy snores, I'm talking about some big, bad Leroy Brown-type snoring.

It's so loud. How loud, you ask?

Well, let's just say that it's so loud that I won't let any light-sleeping houseguests sleep in the rooms downstair, or they will be disturbed by the sleeping animal in the kitchen.

Loki has no shame about her snores, sometimes snorting and even whistling while she sleeps.

I was worried something could be wrong, but the vet says she's fine.

My dog, she said, is just a snorer.

I learn new things every day.

Thursday, April 1

Almost got the wabbit

Loki is a mixed breed dog (read - mutt), who is a Labrador Retriever mixed with a Chesapeake Bay Retriever.

She loves to chase things and fetch things.

Today, she almost got a rabbit.

We don't ususually let her chase wild animals, mainly because we're scared they may hurt her.

But on her evening walk, she spotted one and went into hunter mode to get it.

If she'd been a little faster, we would've had rabbit stew, but the bunny zigged when Loki zagged and got away.

So, Loki now wants a bunny - bad.